Monday, September 1, 2014

It begins!

Hey y'all! I am so excited to share this journey with you. I will start with my story.

     I USED to be very athletic. I played every sport I could in high school and spent the majority of my day working out. Fast forward 11 years, one baby, and about 50 pounds and that's where I am today. After pregnancy my body has just not "bounced" back. I take responsibility for this, I have not been eating well and I have not been exercising. I know, shame on me. I find that at the end of the day I am so mentally drained the last thing I want to do is workout. So here I am, what do I do now?

I will tell you, I am a little obsessed with Pinterest. I pin at least 4-5 different workouts to my fitness board daily. But, I have never done a single one of those workouts. Here is my goal: to complete every fitness pin I have posted. It might take me a few years, I told you I'm obsessed.

I have been wading through diet fad after diet fad for the last 5 years, and I am breaking the cycle TODAY!! I have accepted that my body is a work in progress. I need to be very aware of "mindful" eating. I really don't enjoy the feeling of plowing through an entire box of Thin Mints without even tasting them. UGH! I am also not going to label (thereby) limiting my choices of food. If I want to be vegan one day and have a chicken breast the next, darn it I'm going to. Just need to focus on portions and eating the right things.

There it is, I plan to post workouts, meal plans, menus, joy, failure, and life.
